Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My Headliner Is Broken

I didn't mention it in my last post, but when I talked to Admir about the headliner for my galaxy ceiling last week, he said that he'd been working on it and things were going well. It was supposed to be ready today or tomorrow, so I called him this morning to make arrangements to look at it.

He broke it.

He put a blanket underneath the tinted glass, which is somewhat flexible, but then he leaned on it while he was drilling the holes and made a noticeable crack. Bloody Hell. Having seen him bend this piece of glass when he showed it to me, I don't even understand how this can happen. He assured me that he ordered another sheet, it'll be here tomorrow, he'll start working on it again, etc., but gawd this is obnoxious.

I booked a flight to Austin last night because I absolutely cannot be here anymore. I leave on Tuesday and I know he's not going to be done with it by then.

Unfortunate still is the fact that he's going to want more money for the remaining stereo equipment (amp, subwoofer, more speakers) and I really don't feel comfortable giving it to him until I see proof of finished product from the first round of cash.

I called Art to see if there was any way I could get more accomplished without throwing another grand into this seemingly bottomless pit. I know I'm good for it, but he said credit wasn't an option here. I made clear once again that I am not calling to mediate my relationship with Admir, I just wanted to find out if there was some other way to handle the situation. He advised me to have Admir show me the broken class because it's possible he is trying to buy more time. I'm not sure if I want to do that because things are going to work out the same either way. The headliner is going to take longer. I'm going to wait until I see it in person and sign off on it before giving him more money. That means I'm probably going to wait until I return to LA in two weeks for Admir to even order the parts and then another week or so to start working on the last of the A/V stuff.

So everything is going to take a million years longer. I called Francisco after I talked to Art. He was in Mexico, and even though he took the call, we couldn't talk very long. He just assured me that his guys were still building the seats and Admir's delay doesn't affect their job. I don't buy that 100 percent, but for the time being, that will have to be okay.

As an aside, the weather in LA is overcast today. Normally that's okay with me, but there's no food here and I know the minute I walk to Trader Joe's, there's going to be a torrential downpour. This is seriously not my week.


Anonymous Anonymose said...

Austin? You should have booked a flight to Seattle. It's beeeeeautiful here right now.

June 3, 2009 at 1:58 PM  

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