Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Not Fast Enough

Yesterday there was some minor drama involving some "miscommunication" among major players. I hate that word, but it's a great corporate copout when you don't want to point fingers. Suffice it to say, someone said someone else told him to start working on something Thursday, even though it is decidedly feasible for work to begin earlier. This particular someone is getting a little sick of my car being in his lot and told me he said no such thing, and I believe him. It sounds like someone wants to slack and blame his procrastination on someone else.

I really don't like being lied to.

Admir came by again to show me a tinted piece of glass called Lexan that he wants to use for my ceiling lighting. At first, he said the Lexan would be the glass covering the lights. WTF? Why would I bother getting Very Expensive lighting if I was just going to put it behind tinted glass?

So after some circular discussion, we decided on a clear acrylic glass. From the beginning, we talked about using plexiglass, but acrylic is a little cheaper and easier to bend. This is good because my roof and ceiling have a slight curve.

We're also going to put a large sheet of accumat, a sound-deadening insulation, between the ceiling and the roof. I think that'll make the car more pleasant to ride in and passengers won't get that harsh jarring feeling every time a door shuts.

The thing that's weird, that I may need to discuss some more (gag) is the tinted glass being used to flush with the lighting instead of fabric. Fabric made sense to me, since it would cover the cables and stretch and bind according to where the lights poked through. I don't want any part of the cables to be showing that aren't shining light, and glass is, ya know, see-through.

I'm getting really sick of dealing with this, since it wasn't even part of the plan anyway. And what annoys me even more is that throughout our discussions, I've been the one drawing the diagrams, doing the math (crazy, I know), and making sure the plan is logical.

I haven't even owned a car in years, let alone built a custom ceiling for one. I SHOULDN'T BE DOING THIS.

Here's what I hope is a somewhat accurate representation of the arrangement of components to my ceiling galaxy:

Of course, getting all this stuff apparently just occurred to him, so there's going to be a slight wait for the ceiling parts too. I'm going to have to call him tomorrow and light a fire under his ass to list absolutely everything he's going to need to complete this, and also the wiring for the cameras and stereo. I shouldn't have to tell him to do this, but his lack of organization is causing my trust in him to evaporate at warp speed.

Some of you might think I sound like a heinous bitch right now. The guy is doing the best he can, right? All I can say is if you knew how much this is going to end up running me (in time as well as money), you'd get it.


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