Friday, May 8, 2009

Note to Kat: Chill the Fuck Out

I'm going into the weekend feeling much better about things than I was earlier this week. Admir and I had a nice conversation earlier, and he's been working hard the last couple of days to install everything before Francisco is ready to put in the carpet and seats. He sounded like he had a better handle overall on what he's doing and what needs to happen.

He's done a few square feet of the ceiling, which is great. More importantly, he assured me that he tested the fiber optic lighting against the tinted glass so you can't see the cables except where there's light.

He also found a spot on the driver's side back panel where he can run the A/C without having vents sticking out near the top.

I'm still working on getting him to draw up an invoice that includes a specific list of parts. Yeah, that's kind of a big deal, but I've decided to worry about it next week. No need to make myself crazy(er) right now.


Anonymous Ooo, shiny! said...

Woohoo- progress! If he's done some of the ceiling, then have you seen it too? I'm sure it would take some of the sting out of the checks to see little shiny glints of light. Not sure *how* exactly, but sure nonetheless.

May 12, 2009 at 12:57 AM  

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