Monday, June 22, 2009

Pre-Suiting Up

I managed to find a brief sublet, which made it easier to write my nice letter to Admir, which made it easier to feel a sense of accomplishment this morning when I sent it via certified mail over to Art's shop. I was going to post the letter here, but it details my expenditures and I'm not sure if I want the whole world (or all three people reading this) to know their magnitude. Suffice it to say the amount is worth pursuing.

I ran the letter by a few people last night. I made my requests specific with no room for confusion, but I also provided the service of explaining why settling out of court is in his best interest. I'll take the parts he has purchased if we handle this now, but if I have to go to court, I'll sue for a dollar amount, which will hit him much harder. As for me, I'll stick around and sue him if I have to, but I'd rather not be tied to the Los Angeles area this summer. There are a few places in the Northwest I want to hit while the weather is nice, but I'm already accepting the fact that I'll be planning my visits around a court date.

Admir has until July 2nd to respond, and then I file my case at the municipal court in North Glendale. For me, the most stressful thing about going to court has nothing to do with the case. The problem is how I'll be getting there because I don't have a car. I happened to walk by a scuzzy-looking car rental place that will rent me something with four wheels and a motor for $28 a day, which is better than any rate the standard companies give online. It will be a small price to pay when I win this thing.

According to my research and everyone I talked to who might know something about the subject says the court is likely to side with me. I'm really tempted to bring this one to Judge Judy. Contrary to the images of New York City played after commercial breaks, the show is actually filmed here in Los Angeles. Judge Judy is my hero and if my ass does somehow end up being handed to me, I'd take it from her.

I appreciate everyone's well wishes and good thoughts. Surprisingly, the longer this goes on, the less stressful it becomes. I feel like I'm doing something about my problem, and I can live with whatever ends up happening. It's not the first time a guy promised me the universe and couldn't deliver. I'll be okay.


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