With pie charts. For free.Apparently 27b/6 has gone the way of the dodo (the above link is a mirror of the referenced meme), but the BDH is still around and this blog is no longer cutting the mustard as an online presence. I need a prettier, more effective marketing website, and I've known I would for about a year.
I suppose I was suffering from delusions of grandeur thinking I would be able to put something together myself. While I can create basic websites that function and provide information, I can't draw or otherwise create graphics to save my life, so I need to enlist some outside help.
In addition, three people who know what they're talking about recommended Wordpress independently of each other, and I'm considering moving everything over there (still using barbiedreamhearse.com as the domain name). Blogger is going to stop supporting updates via FTP, which is what I like to use for backup and other purposes. The other purposes mostly pertain to my little custom blog,
PlatKat.com, with which the BDH site shares an account. Since the BDH blog's template is solely within Blogger, I thought switching to Blogger's publishing method would be easy enough. Sadly, the WWW-dot in front of the site name is too much for Blogger (and/or iPower) to handle as things stand. I must humbly admit I'm not sure how to fix this in the short term, despite some of the good efforts made by friends.
In short, it's going to take some time. Like the BDH herself, marketing the BDH is going to be a work-in-progress for longer than I could have guessed. Web help is always appreciated, and if anyone has a crystal ball handy, it looks like I could use that too.